Vishwatmak Jangali Maharaj Ashram which located at Kokamthan near Shirdi, is a very powerful place for Meditation. Ashram was being founded by SADGURU ATMA MALIK. Everyone from all over the world is heartily invited here! VJMAT has started Educational Institutions since 1995 and year it is crossing new mile stones. We have about 11,000 students in 14 schools and colleges with faculty of 500 plus. These schools and colleges are located in Maharashtra, Gujrat and Karnataka.


Honorable President

The objective of Vishwatmak Jangli Maharaj Trust sponsored AMRIT, is the creation of superior human resources for excellence in the respective spheres of work and the emotional to retain that marvel.
Deeply inspired by our Holy Sadguru Shri Jangli Das Maharaj to contribute towards the progress and prosperity of the new generations, the AMRIT has been established to nurture the young minds in the pursuit of Knowledge. The AMRIT owes its genesis to the evolving need for providing a steadfast flow of professional to the development of industries in Maharashtra, India and the Globe at large. To make higher education accessible to middle class and below, we have set up Engineering college in the rural and reserved forest area of Thane district, Maharashtra and initiated novel schemes of blending academics with age tested Indian Virtual in education.
We at AMRIT are totally committed to achieve this example of excellence, the best among the contemporaries in the entire worked. Committed to excellence. We mold our students to be educated, leading a dignified, proactive and innovative. Our motto is to train our students according to Global Teaching Community, capable of establishing themselves in any part of the world to lead a happy & prosperous life and be able to apply the Technology for benefit of mankind. Being unique in model, approach and motto, the college is strongly committed to the ideals of knowledge sharing techniques that maintains the fine balance between knowledge and its application and seal to promote the creation of an ideal society.
I wish AMRIT a grand success in all their present and future endeavors.

Message from the Honorable Executive President

AMRIT will mentor the young minds with Atmadhyaan in addition to Knowledge. Good education is definately to a comfortable and secured life. The purpose of higher education is to prepare the students for a responsible citizenship in a society where emotional balance, goodwill and responsibility are envisioned.
In the rapidly modernizing world, it is certain that past educational system will not meet the needs of the current society and even more so, the need of tomorrow. There is a need for fresh approach to the issues of college education. The roles of colleges in student’s life in current society is the most important in individual’s life but never has been so in man’s history. AMRIT has been established in 2011 with a vision to promote learning, leadership, creativity and innovation and to provide the state of the art facility for education and research in Engineering and Technology. Our mission is not merely imparting theoretical information in a particular discipline or subject but making the student community to be practical.
It is our belief that value based education leads to the holistic development of individuals. We cherish our contribution to last long to the overall growth of our society and nation. The success of any model education depends upon the active involvement of the students, faculty, management and the society. Look forward to a wonderful interaction with faculty, staff, and students of the AMRIT, industries and institutions around to improve the quality education and research, so that AMRIT can reach greater heights in its mission toward excellence.

Message from the Honorable Principal

The quality of values delivered to the rest of the world is the mark of any institute. These are essential values. Always be strong, professional, and optimistic. This is what you were looking for and that’s the reason you have come to AMRIT. As the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said ‘ A journey of thousands of miles beings with a single step’. You’ve already taken the first step by choosing AMRIT.
You’ve already taken the first step by choosing AMRIT. Vishwatmak Jangli Maharaj Ashram Trust, which administers AMRIT, has been a pioneer in developing education programmes designed to educate young minds, build knowledge, and generate technocrats, as well as cultivate leaders who are industry ready. AMRIT now provides students with access to a wide range of traditional and e-learning resources.
AMRIT has a culture of acquiring knowledge rather than information. It is our commitment to AMRIT students that, when they graduate, they will be readily able to take the helm through the technology-driven market. We at AMRIT believe that even an average student can achieve academic altitude if he or she attends all lectures and practical’s, along with the meditation sessions. Even more so, if a student immerses himself or herself in the learning process as a team member, maintains patience, and has a positive attitude as well as aptitude., it is sure he/she will reach academic altitude.


The only truth in the universe is ‘Atma’ (the Divine Soul, the Self, Universal Energy, Consciousness or God). That’s the only reality; everything else is transitory and perishable. Innumerable changes happen within nature, but Atma always remains constant, it neither has a beginning, nor an end. It is immortal.

Atma existed before any concept of God, so it is important to love and worship it. Contemplation and meditation on Atma even for a moment, can take us toward the experience that we and Atma are One (Self-realization) worshiping Atma is Worshiping all Gods.

Atma is present in all of us, residing in our heart,The easiest and most effective way to attain Atma is to medicate in the Self. Do not look for the Self outside but medicate within to realize God. Atma is formless and without any physical properties. It is easier to see Atma with a form. This manifestation in a form is One, who is always absorbed in Atma. Constant meditation on this form in our heart will lead to Self-realization.

Atma is omnipotent,omnipresent,omniscient.It Does not belong to any particular country, Wroldview or religion. Any human begin can attain Self-realization by meditating upon Atma. Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Prophet Mohammed, Shri Krishna, Lord Mahavir, Guru Nanak, Prophet Zarathustra and other saints throughout history, all attained Self-realization because they meditated on Atma constantly and became One with Atma.


Every child has unique abilities. At Atma Malik Institute of Technology and Research, we nurture these unique abilities. We believe that education is not limited to the theories of books; it is beyond the pages of books that there’s immense knowledge. One must tap into the full self potential to acquire this knowledge. And looking inwards is the best ways to do it.

At Atma Malik Institute of Technology and Research, we focus on student’s holistic growth. Under the able guidance of our Guru Atma Malik Gurudev, we provide our students, a stimulating environment, enabling their young minds to think in constructive manner, giving their curiosities, a positive direction.

We are inspired by the philosophy of creating generation that has stronger and calmer minds, are progressive and operate from the values of compassion, mutual respect and trust. In this pursuit, we adopt quite a disciplined and unique methodology to mould our students. Yoga, Meditation, Sports and Cultural Programs are the integral part of the syllabus at our school which provides our students with enough opportunities of holistic growth.