About EXTC Department
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is one of the largest and fastest-growing fields of engineering. Having qualified and trained professionals in this field are the need of the hour.
The Department is well-equipped with laboratories containing latest equipment’s, along with software and hardware tools to cater to the need of advanced communication technologies.
The laboratories have state-of-the-art equipment like Spectrum Analyzers, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Radio Frequency Signal Generators and software tools like Labview, Scilab and MultiSim.
The department is involved in a number of co-curricular activities and socio-cultural activities encouraging students to broaden their horizons of thought and become responsible towards society.
Faculty members are actively involved in research activities and have published research papers in international & national journals and international conferences.
To create a professional atmosphere conducive to learning in the field of electronics and telecommunication engineering that is in step with technological advancement and meets global industrial and social needs.
- To provide facilities, infrastructure and training to students and faculty members.
- To provide value added learning environment.
- To instil in students a sense of teamwork and leadership so that they can become socially and ethically responsible engineers.
Program Educational Objectives
Graduates of B.E. Electronics & Telecommunication Program, four years after graduation will;
PEO 1: Engage in designing, testing, operating or maintaining systems in the field of Electronics & Telecommunication engineering allied industries.
PEO 2: Work effectively as individuals and as team members in multidisciplinary field or projects.
PEO 3: Apply skills of Electronics & Telecommunication engineering to challenges of societal importance, or seek further study and research.
PEO 4: Participate in lifelong learning, advance their career and adapt to shifting, business and societal demands.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
At the time of graduation students should be able to do
PSO 1: Specify, design, prototype and test modern electronic systems that perform analog and digital processing functions.
PSO 2: Demonstrate knowledge gained through project based and Value added learning in the application area of IOT, communication, semiconductor technology, embedded systems & Networking
- Program Outcome:PO 1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization for
solution of complex engineering problems.PO 2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.PO 7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with t h e society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of t h e engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
!!Sabka Malik Atma!! | ||||||||
Vishwatmak Jangali Maharaj Ashram Trust’s | ||||||||
Atma Malik Institute of Technology and Reserach | ||||||||
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | ||||||||
Staff List (A.Y. 2022-23) | ||||||||
Sr. No | Name of the Employee | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Experience | Total Experience in Yrs. | ||
Teaching | Industry | |||||||
1 | PROF. SUMIT NIRMAL KUMAR | ASST. PROF.(HOD) | ME EXTC (Embedded & VLSI) | VLSI & IOT | 12 Years | Nil | 12 | |
2 | PROF.SHELAR NISHA | ASST.PROF | ME EXTC (Embedded & VLSI) | Wireless Sensor Network | 9 Years | Nil | 9 | |
3 | PROF.RAJKOR VAISHANVI | ASST.PROF | BE EXTC | Internate of Things | 1.4 Years | Nil | 1.4 | |
4 | PROF. DEEPAK BAVISKAR | ASST PROF | ME EXTC | Mobile Comunication & 5G | 13 Years | Nil | 13 |
Laboratory Information
Sr. No. | Name Of Laboratory | Major Equipment |
1 | Instrumentation and control Lab |
· Digital Storage Oscilloscope · Function Generator · Series Control System · Closed Loop Control System · Bode Plot Demonstration KIT · LVDT |
2 | Microwave Lab |
· Spectrum Analyzer with Tracking Generator · Antenna Trainer · Microwave Trainer KIT · Scientech Fiber Optics Trainer |
3 | Electronic Devices and Circuit Lab |
· Phase Shift Oscillator Transistorized · RC coupled Amplifier with Feedback · Op-amp as I order LPF · Instrumentation Amplifier · Negative Voltage Shunt feedback amplifier |
4 | Communication Lab |
· QPK,DQPSK Modulation & Demodulation · Bandwidth Efficiency of QAM Kit · MSK Generator &Detection Kit · T.V. Trainer Kit · Graphic Equalizer Performance Kit |
5 | Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab |
· 8051 Micro-controller Trainer Kit · 8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit · Relay & Opto-coupler card with FRC · 8086 Kit(Training Kit LCD Display & 101 PC keyboard) |
6 | Digital Electronics Lab |
· Digital IC Tester · Logic Gate Trainer · Flip Flop Trainer · Digital IC trainer |
7 | Basic Electrical Engineering Lab |
· Single Phase Transformer · Three Phase Transformer · Power Measurement by2Wattmeter Method · DC Shunt Motor |
8 | Project Lab |
· PCB Etching Machine · Baking & Cutting Oven · UV exposure machine double sided · PCB drilling machine |
Click to view Department Academic Calendar ODD SEM 2023-24
!! Sab Ka Malik Atma !! | ||||||
Vishwatmak Jangali Maharaj Ashram Trust’s | ||||||
Atma malik institute of technology and research | ||||||
ACTIVITY CALENDAR 2022-2023 | ||||||
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication | ||||||
Sr. No. | Activity/Event | Type of Activity | Mode of Conduction | Planned date | ||
(Name of Activity /Event ) | (Social/curricular/ co-curricular/Extra curricular/Other) | Online/Offline | ||||
1 | Swachhta Bharat Abhiyan | Social | Offline | 28/7/2022 | ||
2 | Project Synopsis Seminar for B.E | Co-Curricular | Offline | 08-05-2022 | ||
3 | Capacity Building Program on Soft Skill | Co-Curricular | Online/Offline | 08-12-2022 | ||
4 | International Youth Day | Extra Curricular | Online/Offline | 08-12-2022 | ||
5 | Teacher’s day celebration | Extra Curricular | Offline | 09-05-2022 | ||
6 | Guidance Program for GATE preparation | Co-Curricular | Offline | 09-09-2022 | ||
7 | Engineer’s day celebration | Extra Curricular | Offline | 15/9/2022 | ||
8 | ADD ON program “IOT & Cloud Computing” | ADD-On Program | Online/Offline | 28/9/2022-30/9/2022 | ||
9 | International Non Violence day(Gandhi Jayanti) | Extra Curricular | Offline | 10-02-2022 | ||
10 | World Nature day | Social | Offline | 10-03-2022 | ||
11 | Alumni Talks on”Recent Trends” | Co-Curricular | Online/Offline | 10-10-2022 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | ||||||
List of Activities conducted | ||||||
Sr. No. | Name of the activities | Conducted by | Category | Duration | Total Days | No. of Beneficiary |
2018-19 | ||||||
1 | Industrial Automation ” PLC & SCADA” | Autotech, Nashik | Workshop | 6/2/2019-8/2/2019 | 3 days | 20 |
2 | Workshop on “Raspberry Pi” | Mitu skillologies, pune | Workshop | 1st week , January 2019 | 2 days | 20 |
3 | Expert lecture on “Internet of Things” | Mr. Yogesh Jadhav | Expert Lecture | March , 2019 | 1 day | 40 |
4 | Industrial Visit “Satellite Communication” | Institute of Satellite Telecom pvt ltd, chembur, Mumbai | Industrial Visit | 02-04-2019 | 1 day | 25 |
5 | Poster & Project Competition on National Science day | EXTC dept. | Co curricular Activity | 04-04-2019 | 1 day | 30 |
6 | Aptitude Training & Mock Test | EXTC dept. | T&P Activity | Throughout the session | Yearly | 15 |
7 | Career Guidance on Job Opportunities for EXTC students | EXTC dept. | T&P Activity | October 2018, | 1 day | 25 |
2019-20 | ||||||
8 | Aptitude Training & Mock Test | EXTC dept. | T&P Activity | Throughout the session | Yearly | 13 |
9 | Career Guidance on Job Opportunities for EXTC students | EXTC dept. | T&P Activity | August 2019 | 1 day | 20 |
10 | Online Quiz Competition on Emerging trends in Electronics | EXTC dept. | Co curricular Activity | May 2019 | 2 days | 20 |
2020-21 | ||||||
11 | Solar Energy Literacy Drive | Energy Swarajya Foundation, Mumbai | Value Addition Program | June-July 2020 | 5 days | 55 |
2021-22 | ||||||
12 | Expert lecture on “Python programming”, by Mr. Tushar Kute, Mitu Skillologies, Pune | Mitu Skillologies, Pune | Expert lecture | 20-09-2021 | 1 day | 65 |
13 | Seminar on “Digital Marketing”, by Mr. Pramod Yadav | Forward Focus, Bhiwandi | Seminar | 20-09-2021 | 1 day | 18 |
14 | Seminar on” GATE 2022 Preparation” by Sumit Kumar | EXTC Department | Seminar | 21-09-2021 | 1 day | 20 |
15 | Seminar on “Yoga and its importance” by Mr. Purushottam Sukhadev Panbude, Yoga Teacher | AMIS, Aghai | Life Skill | 21-09-2021 | 1 day | 19 |
16 | Seminar on “Safety and Security in disaster management” by Mr. Rohit M. Pandharam, MCMG, CRO | MCMG, CRO | Seminar | 22-09-2021 | 1 day | 13 |
17 | Seminar on “Application of EXTC Engineering softwares”, by Nextgen CADD center, Thane | CADD centre | Expert lecture | 22-09-2021 | 1 day | 14 |
18 | Seminar on ” Aptitude and Reasoning” by Prof. Dipalee Patil | EXTC Department | Seminar | 23-09-2021 | 1 day | 27 |
19 | Seminar on ” Project Synopsis preparation” by Prof. Sumit kumar | EXTC Department | Seminar | 24-09-2021 | 1 day | 20 |
20 | Seminar on ” Carrer Guidance in VLSI for beginners, Opportunities & future scope” by Mr. Chinmay Gondhalekar, RTL Verification Engineer | Bengluru | Expert Lecture | 3-10-2021 | 1 Day | 32 |
21 | Add On program on “Arduino Programming” by Dolphin Labs | Pune | ADD-ON Program | 7th – 10th April 2022 | 30 hrs | 40 |
!! Sabka Malik Atma !! |
Vishwatamak Jangli Maharaj Ashram Trust’s |
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
Activities Conducted (20th-24th September 2021) |
Date | Activity/Event | Type of Activity | Mode | No. of benefeciary |
9/20/2021 | Expert lecture on “Python Programming”, by Mr. Tushar Kute, Mitu Skillologies, Pune | Expert lecture | Online | 65 |
9/20/2021 | Seminar on “Digital Marketing”, by Mr. Pramod Yadav | Seminar | Offline | 18 |
9/21/2021 | Seminar on ” GATE 2022 preparation” by Prof. Sumit kumar | Seminar | Offline | 20 |
9/21/2021 | Session on “Yoga and its importance” by Mr. Purushottam Sukhadev Panbude, Yoga Teacher | Life Skill | Offline | 19 |
9/22/2021 | Seminar on “Safety and Security in Disaster management” by Rohit M. Pandharam, MCGM, CRO | Seminar | Offline | 13 |
9/22/2021 | Seminar on “Application of EXTC Engineering softwares”, by Nextgen CADD centre, Thane | Expert lecture | Offline | 14 |
9/23/2021 | Seminar on ” Aptitude and Reasoning” by Prof. Dipalee Patil | Seminar | Offline | 27 |
9/24/2021 | Seminar on ” Project Synopsis preparation” by Prof. Sumit kumar | Seminar | Offline | 20 |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | ||||
Click to view Internship Details Academic Year 2022-23
!! Sab Ka Malik Atma !! |
Vishwatmak Jangli Maharaj Trust’s |
Vishwatmak Om Gurudev College of Engineering |
Department of EXTC Engineering |
List of the Students completed Internship |
Program | Name of the Students | Internship | Company/Industry | Period of Internship |
EXTC Engineering | Rupali Krishna Sokande | Internship on Web Design & Development | Dezignolics, Thane | 4/1/2018-18/1/2018 |
EXTC Engineering | Megha Patil | Internship on Web Design & Development | Dezignolics, Thane | 4/1/2018-18/1/2018 |
EXTC Engineering | Nita Chaudhari | Internship on Web Design & Development | Dezignolics, Thane | 4/1/2018-18/1/2018 |
EXTC Engineering | Akanksha Patil | Internship on Web Design & Development | Dezignolics, Thane | 4/1/2018-18/1/2018 |
EXTC Engineering | Mauri Vasant Patil | Internship for In Plant Training, Maintenance & Production department | CocaCola, Wada | 15/6/2017-14/7/2017 |
EXTC Engineering | Kamini Vekhande | Internship for In Plant Training, Maintenance & Production department | CocaCola, Wada | 15/6/2017-14/7/2017 |
EXTC Engineering | Rahul Balu Patil | Internship for In Plant Training, Maintenance & Production department | CocaCola, Wada | 15/6/2017-14/7/2017 |
EXTC Engineering | Kavita Thakare | Internship for In Plant Training, Maintenance & Production department | CocaCola, Wada | 28/6/2017-27/7/2017 |
EXTC Engineering | Nita Chaudhari | Internship on Electrical & Electronics Test panel & Test benches | SCR Elektronicks, Dombivali | 21/6/2017-22/7/2017 |
EXTC Engineering | Digvijay Bhoir | Internship on Electric Multiple Unit | Western Railway , VIRAR | Jul-15 |
!! Sabka Malik Atma !! | |||
Vishwatmak Jangli Maharaj Ashram Trust’s | |||
Atma Malik Institute of Technology & Research | |||
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering | |||
Program/Wokshop attended by Students A.Y. 2021-22 | |||
Sr. No. | Name of the Student | Name of the Program | Type of program |
1 | Bagul Ishwar | 30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program |
2 | Kunal Channe | Presented paper during International Conference “Prediction of psychological issues using ml” | International Conference |
3 | Kamble Krutika | Presented paper during International Conference “Prediction of psychological issues using ml” | International Conference |
4 | Nikam Aishwarya | Case Study of Recent reported variations of Antenna types | Experiential Learning |
5 | Suraj Jadhav | 30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation”. | Add On Program |
Presented paper on International Conference “Maximizing Wireless Sensor Network’s lifetime using Sensor based load balanced & MIHOP method” | International Conference | ||
6 | Siddhika Maku | Presented paper on International Conference “Maximizing Wireless Sensor Network’s lifetime using Sensor based load balanced & MIHOP method” | International Conference |
1 | Ramesh Bagul | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
Online workshop on AI & ML by YBI foundation. | Workshop | ||
30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
2 | Ganesh Bhabhad | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
3 | Rahul Gangashetty | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
Presented paper during International Conference “Object detection using deep learning” | International Conference | ||
4 | Madhuri Kadam | Master class on Machine Learning 30 days by Pantech Prolabs India pvt ltd. | Workshop |
Presented paper titled Study of Machine Learning and Deep learning algorithm proposed for face mask detection in the 1st International Conference IOT AI & ML on 30th and 31st March 2022. | International Conference | ||
30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
5 | Tejal Madke | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
6 | Hemraj More | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
Attended Full Stack Web development Program by Edureka | Online Workshop | ||
30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
7 | Prashant Nikhande | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
8 | Saurabh Pawar | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
9 | Jidnyasa Poul | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
2. 30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
10 | Rutik Raut | 1. Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
11 | Pranali Shelar | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
12 | Pratik shelar | Linkedin course on Project Management. | Linkedin Course |
Presented paper titled “Object detection using deep learning” International Conference IOT AI & ML on 30th and 31st March 2022. | International Conference | ||
13 | Aayurshi singh | Linkedin course on Project Management, | Linkedin Course |
Presented paper titled “Study of Machine Learning and Deep learning algorithm proposed for face mask detection” in the 1st International Conference IOT AI & ML on 30th and 31st March 2022. | International Conference | ||
Online workshop on AI & ML by YBI foundation. | Workshop | ||
30 hrs ADD on Program on “Arduino-based Automation” | Add On Program | ||
Click Here for EXTC FDP
Students’ clubs are extensions of student’s academic and career aspirations. Students’ clubs provide a platform for interaction among themselves and outside world events. The clubs bring about a good balance of work, fun and leisure activities and ensure the all round development of students.
Benefits of Students’ Clubs
- Students’ clubs enrich experience by encouraging participation, and allowing students to develop valuable skills.
- This helps you to build formal and informal networks while exploring career opportunities.
- These clubs, which are open to all students, arrange activities, events, and meetings during the academic year.
Sr. No. | Name of Club |
1 | Art & Craft Club |
2 | Literary Club |
3 | Cultural Club |
4 | Photography Club |
5 | Energy & Climate Club |
6 | Women Empowerment Club |
7 | Yoga and Meditation Club |
8 | Tech & Innovation Club |
Art and Craft Club
- The Art & Craft Club is a platform for students to build aesthetic values while also enhancing their creative skills and artistic talents.
- It is a tempting, artistic, beautiful meeting-place for anybody with passion.
- The club provides lot of opportunities in the form of competitions and workshops for igniting the spark of interest
Literary Club
The Club functions with the following objectives :
- To inculcate among students a flair for the language and enhance their literary skills
- To induce reading and comprehension habit in students
- To encourage students to become orators.
- To improve and encourage creative writing.
Cultural Club
The Cultural club is responsible for all the cultural events in the Department/Institute around the year.
- It helps to bring out the hidden talent of the students of the college. It is the place where students can showcase what they have got. It helps to discover their talent.
- Cultural events include competitions such as instrumental, singing, dance etc. Every year this club organizes activities such as Talent Hunt, Fresher’s Party, Farewell, Fest and Alumni Meet.
- Cultural club also celebrates festivals such as Holi, Republic Day, Independence day, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti, birth anniversary of important personalities etc which creates a vibrant atmosphere.
Photography Club
Its goal is to provide an opportunity for every student to uncover their inner artist while also providing a platform for them to turn their aspirations into reality.
- To create a welcoming environment where students who are interested in photography can share their creativity, knowledge, and enthusiasm for photography.
- To encourage students to express their thoughts and emotions through art or photography
Energy and Climate Club
Energy and Climate Club is a group of concerned students, teachers and volunteers that are committed to raising awareness about environmental issues and to reducing environmental impact as individuals, as a college community, and as citizens of the world.
Women Empowerment Club
The women empowerment club aim is to address gender inequality issues through presentations and symposiums.
Yoga and Meditation Club
Yoga and meditation club aim is to make practitioners aware of the identity of Atma (soul). It talks about fitness of Body and Mind equally. The Main objective of the club is
- To reduce tension, stress, anxiety, weakness, helplessness, fear, negative thoughts etc.
- To emphasise the importance of exercise to reach the fitness goal set by every individual.
Tech and Innovation Club
Tech and Innovation club aims to engage students in innovative and creative activities. The club objectives are
- To share innovative ideas on a forum.
- To work on different case studies/Mini Projects/Major Projects.
- To organize an Interdisciplinary project exhibition/Poster presentation
Summary of Conference-Workshop-STTP-FDP-Training Attended Program Report 2023-24
Summary of Conference-Workshop-STTP-FDP-Training Attended Program Report 2022-23
Year | Name of Faculty | Title of the professional development(FDP) program | Duration (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY) |
2022-23 | |||
Prof. Sumit Kumar | online Faculty Orientation Program for the subject ECCDLO 7024: “Advanced Digital Signal Processing” of revised syllabus of Semester VII of B. E. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Rev – 2019 ‘C’ Scheme |
15th July 2022 | |
Prof. Nisha Shelar | online Faculty Orientation Program for the subject ECCDLO 7024: “Microwave Engineering (ECC 701)”of revised syllabus of Semester VII of B. E. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Rev – 2019 ‘C’ Scheme |
11th July 2022 | |
Prof. Deepak Baviskar | online Faculty Orientation Program for the subject ECCDLO 7024: “5G Technology (ECCDLO7022)” of revised syllabus of Semester VII of B. E. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Rev – 2019 ‘C’ Scheme |
16th July 2022 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Succesfully completed 15hrs course of “AWS certified Cloud Practitioner” on UDEMY” | 15th July 2022 | |
Prof. Ganesh Sonawane | Succesfully attended one-week FDP on “ Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering. | 31st May – 4th June, 2022. | |
Prof. Nisha Shelar and Miss Vaishnavi Rajkor | Attended, two days Training Program, by Mr. Gopi Gilbile . | 2nd and 3rd July 2022. | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Attended Two days Leadership Training , conducted by Atma Malik Training Centre. | ||
Year | Name of Faculty | Title of the professional development(FDP) program | Duration (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY) |
2021-22 | Prof. Sumit Kumar | Succesfully completed 36 hours “LINUX Programming”, Udemy on 25th June 2022. | 25th June 2022. |
Prof. Nilesh Shimpi | Succesfully completed Two Months (MAY-JUNE) online training on “Power-Bi” by, VINAY Tech Institute, Hyderabad | May-June 2022 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the course of “Electromagnetics & Antenna(ECC601)”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-VI, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. |
18/1/2022 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the Department level optional course of “Mixed Signal VLSI(ECCDLO6011)”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-VI, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. | 14/1/2022 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the Department level optional course of “IOT & Industry 4.0”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-VI, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. |
13/1/2022 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the course of “Mini Project 2B, ECM 601”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-VI, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. |
15/1/2022 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Role of AI and ML in Electronics Engineering”. | 8/11/2021-12/11/2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “VLSI DESIGN, Verification and Testing”. | 07/06/2021-11/06/2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Embedded design & development using free/open source tools” . | 09/08/2021-13/08/2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the Department level optional course of “Data Structure & Algorithm”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-V, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. | 12-07-2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar & Prof. Hiren Italia | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the course of “Mini Project 2A, ECM 501”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-V, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. |
15/07/2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the course of “Digital VLSI(Theory & lab), ECC 503 & ECL 503”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-V, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. | 10-07-2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar & Prof. Dipalee Patil | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the course of “DigitalCommunication(Theory & lab), ECC 501 & ECL 501”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-V, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. |
07-07-2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | Online Faculty Orientation Program for the course of “Sensors Technology,ECCDLO5015”, Rev 2019 ‘C’ Scheme of Third Year, Semester-V, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. |
07-08-2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | 5 days Workshop on VLSI Device & Circuit design tools”, organized by VIT-AP University. | 22/6/2021-26/6/2021 | |
Prof. Sumit Kumar | National level One week FDP on “RF Front End Design”,organized by MIT ADT University,Pune. | 19/5/2021-22/5/2021 | |
Prof.Dipalee Patil | AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Hands-on approach for the Design and Implementation of Lab-on-Bread Board- A Blended learning” at The National Institute of Engineering Mysore”. | 21/7/2021- 25/7/2021 | |
Topper List of Last Five Years
Sr. No. | Batch | Name of the Student | CGPI |
1. | BE 2018 | NITA CHAUDHARI | 8.62 |
2 | BE 2019 | BHAGYASHREE PITAMBARE | 8.36 |
4 | BE 2021 | NIMISH YADAV | 8.02 |
6 | BE 2023 | SURAJ YADAV | 8.11 |
Student Placement Details (Academic Year 2022-23)
Sr. No. | Name of the Student | Company Name | Job Position |
1. | AMBEKAR PRATHMESH | Select Control Pvt Ltd, Ghansoli | Technician |
2 | BAGUL ISHWAR | Boss Pvt. Ltd, Nashik | Apprentice, Trainee |
3 | BHOIR AMIT | Select Control Pvt Ltd, Ghansoli | Testing Engineer |
4 | BHOIR BHUMIKA | Blue Star Limited | Trainee |
5 | BHOIR SAYLEE | Dreams Home Clinic Real Estate channel firm | Own Business |
6 | CHANNE KUNAL | Airotech Scietific Instrument & Pvt. Ltd., Thane | Service Engineer |
7 | KAMBLE KRUTIKA | Nishant Power Converter, Bhiwandi | Hardware Engineer |
8 | MAKU SIDDHIKA | Select Control Pvt Ltd, Ghansoli | Testing Engineer |
9 | NIKAM AISHWARYA | Reliance Park | Testing Engineer |
10 | NIPURTE AMIT | R.P. Marg. School, Kurla | Lecturer |
11 | PATIL SAURABH | Godarej & Voyce Pvt Ltd. | Associate Engineer |